Monobloc Reus





Absolutely! And we can say that climbing is a good complement to yoga, too. And that yoga and climbing are two disciplines that, on their own, fulfill, canalise and celebrate life itself.

Yoga Monobloc. Monobloc


We practice Integral Yoga. Our goal is to bring yoga to our time, culture and needs.




Vinyasa Yoga
Monday and Wednesday: 19:00h
Teacher: Ari


Tuesday: 9:30h
Teacher: Stephy


Iyengar Yoga
Thursday: 9:30h
Teacher: Enoc


Tuesday: 19:00
Teacher: Ingo


Animal Flow
Thursday: 18:30
Teacher: Sara






Inscripciones y precios


Bono de 10 clases: 80€

Bono de 5 clases: 50€

Una sesión: 12€

Bono ilimitado (todas las clases): 60€ al mes


Puedes reservar tu clase a través de la aplicación Open. Crea tu perfil y reserva:

Descargar aplicación



Enhance your strength and flexibility


It is widely known that yoga generates many benefits for one's health: it enhances strength and flexibility, it is an intense excercise on the deep muscle tissue and it fortifies the great organ systems.

Postures and series adaptable to every person and degree of fitness: we invite you to set the limits and demands yourself.


Connect your body and mind


With breathing as medium and channel, you'll enhance the perception of your body in space and will improve your energetic efficency.


Boost your focus


You'll learn the importance of observing the most minimal gestures to generate great changes.


The Ways of Wellbeing


Something that's not usually mentioned about yoga, something that remains hidden behind the pictures of those almost impossible postures shown on social media, is its power to take us out of our comfort zone, to make us contemplate things as they are, with no filter.

To help us accept realistically; to make us laugh at ourselves when falling out of balance and also to make us perceive with pristine clarity that we succeed precisely in the moment we stop desiring with the ego's intensity.

There are sports that sculpt, tone up and improve health through external stimuli. Yoga transforms outwards, from inwards.

This discipline is backed by a life philosophy that celebrates harmony and teaches to reduce stress levels.






It's been years since for Stephy yoga is the means, the common thread and the excuse to travel, get in touch with different cultures and delve into all sorts of teachings. In her lessons she teaches us all she's acquired and continues to learn, all with kindness, precision and the exact dose of effort.




Desde hace años disfruta de la práctica y la enseñanza del yoga a partes iguales. Con un interés especial en la biomecánica aplicada al movimiento y la filosofía que subyace detrás de la práctica de posturas (asanas), típica podríamos decir del método Iyengar.

"Procuro transmitir en clase con un enfoque cercano, suave y con la intensidad y la precisión adecuada"





Ari nos invita a practicar yoga Vinyasa, un tipo de yoga dinámico en el que se coordina el movimiento y la respiración. Es como una danza en la que se fluye de postura a postura. Las secuencias pueden ser más exigentes o más suaves, pueden ser más dinámicas o más estáticas. El objetivo es mantener la atención en el momento presente, liberar los bloqueos energéticos del cuerpo, suavizarlo y fortalecerlo. 





Yoga Monobloc. Monobloc



Here we'll solve all your doubts about Yoga Monobloc.

How do I sign in?
Contact Stephy directly by phone: +34 695 419 819.
What is Integral Yoga?
Intgral yoga is a discipline inspired in the great contemporary schools but in line with the essence of tradition.
When is it advised to practice yoga?
Yoga brings wellbeing to your body and mind! It strengthens the bones, improves muscular tone and flexibility, enhances vitality and energy... besides, anyone can start easily almost without the need of equipment: you'll only need comfy clothes, a mat and, of course, curiosity and perseverance!
When it isn't advised to practice yoga?
If you suffer any illness or health issue, you should contact a doctor to check if it's okay for you to practice yoga.
If you are allowed to practice, nevertheless you'll have to inform your instructor about your circumstances so they'll adapt the exercises.
Can I practice yoga during pregnancy?
Working out during pregnancy contributes to general wellbeing, birthgiving and a better recovery. Yoga is a good option to attain these objectives because with our exercises, combined with meditation, you will improve on muscular control, breathing, relaxation and mental and spiritual harmony.
Are there levels in yoga?
We offer classes of different levels for you to choose the most appropriate:
Mild intensity classes, designed for unexperienced participants or participants with injuries or limited mobility who are looking to relax.
Classes of moderate intensity, designed for experienced participants or physically fit to enjoy more demanding exercises.
Do I have to be a Monobloc Member to practice yoga?
No. You can take yoga lessons without being a Monobloc Member.

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