General information
In compliance with law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce:
Registered office: Carrer Sabadell, 24 4204 Reus (Tarragona)
CIF: B55690416
Intellectual property
The total or partial reproduction, retransmission, copy, assignment or dissemination of its content without written authorization is prohibited. Nor is it authorized:
The presentation of a page of the website in a window that does not belong to ROCKBLOC FITNESS, SLU by means of "framing".
The insertion of an image published on the website on a page that is not owned by ROCKBLOC FITNESS, SLU.
The extraction of elements from the website causing damage to ROCKBLOC FITNESS, SLU in accordance with current provisions.
Responsibility for content and links
ROCKBLOC FITNESS, SLU does not assume responsibility for infringements that users may incur or for damages caused by the use of this website and reserves the right to update and modify the information without prior notice. ROCKBLOC FITNESS, SLU does not assume responsibility for the content, veracity and errors in the links that can be accessed through the website. The sole purpose of the links is to provide users with access to information that may be of interest to them.
The navigation system and the software necessary for the operation of this website collects, in the normal course of its exercise, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not obtained to be associated with identified interested parties, but that by its nature could, through its elaboration or association with third party data, allow identification. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the website, as well as to control its correct technical operation and are canceled immediately after its preparation.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
The above conditions will be governed by Spanish regulations.